With our new Complaint Rate Dashboard, available only in our new no-frames interface, you can see your overall complaint rate based on all emails sent from your account in aggregate.
To access the Complaint Rate Dashboard, make sure your account is using our new no-frames interface, then click Reports, then choose "Complaint Rate History" from the Account dropdown menu:
Here's an example of the Complaint Rate Dashboard from our customer, Popcorn Palace:
The report shows the complaint rate for the last 7 days and the last 30 days, and it also allows you to see how many total emails you've sent per day during this period.
Additionally, you can see what ISP has resulted in the most complaints during a given period.
Time-based complaint rates are more difficult to calculate than the complaint rate on say, an individual broadcast email campaign. There are two ways to calculate time-based complaint rates:
1. Bad way: Number of emails sent within a time period and number of complaints received within that same time period. This method is flawed, since the complaint on an email sent within time period A may not be received until after time period A. So a simple division of the complaints received within a particular 7 day period divided by the number of emails sent within that 7 day period would result in an erroneous complaint rate.
2. Good way: Instead, we tie each complaint back to the original email that resulted in it. The complaint rates shown in this new report are calculated by analyzing how many emails were sent in a given time period, and then analyzing how many complaints were received for only the emails sent within that given time period.