By: Melonie Mottice
Marketing Specialist
Introducing…our new series: On Track With Jack. Each week, look for our new emails and blog posts from our mascot, Jack the Jangolope, on marketing advice, trends, and quick tips. Jack will offer insight on how to improve your email marketing so you can use your JangoMail account to the fullest. He will cover common support issues we receive from our call center, and the latest news in email marketing, to keep you on track.
What is a jangolope and why does one named Jack have tips for me?
To start, a jackalope is a mythical creature known as a jackrabbit with antelope horns. Over time the jackalope continued to change into what we, at JangoMail, call the jangolope.
Long, long, long ago a curious jackrabbit stumbled upon an old computer. He grew tired of receiving and sending plain, ineffective emails. He knew there had to be an easier way. The jackrabbit thought long and hard. Finally, he had an idea to evolve email marketing above all the rest. As his idea grew, so did his antlers.
Through the wild countryside of North America, the jackalope soon became known as the jangolope because of his savvy computer skills. Jack is a direct descendant of the original jangolope. Half jackrabbit, half antelope, 100% email marketing professional.
Hop into our blog each week with Jack's helpful tips!
We want to hear from you.
Remember, at JangoMail it's your email, your way. Have a topic you would like Jack to cover? Email us at marketing@us.jangomail.com with the subject line: On Track With Jack. Jack also has his very own Facebook page. Follow Jack on Facebook.