Friday, September 15, 2006

"Set Plain Text Automatically" Feature Improved

The feature that allows you to automatically create a plain text message from an HTML message has been improved! Here are the improvements:

1. The "Set Plain Text Automatically" button now works with the Simple HTML Editor and the Enhanced HTML Editor. Previously it only worked with the Enhanced HTML Editor.

2. The "Set Plain Text Automatically" button now works even if you are composing HTML in the plain text editor rather than the HTML editor. Previously it only worked when you were working with the HTML editor.

3. There have been improvements to the algorithm which more accurately predicts line spacings when generating the plain text message.

4. Links in the HTML message will now show up in the plain text message when the link text is not a URL. For example, this HTML code:

Click <a href="">here</a> to go to our web site.

will be converted to:

Click here <> to go to our web site.