Jack here reporting from the JangoMail headquarters. Today's tip comes from our support team:
Reconsider Email Attachments
When you have a large file to send, you may want to think twice about sending as an attachment. Ask yourself, "Is there a better way to get my message across?" Size and security are the two main deliverability issues that will prevent your subscribers from receiving your attached message.
There is a better way to incorporate files into your email marketing plan. Upload your assets to JangoMail and embed them within your email. For larger files, post to your website and create links within the body of your email. Encourage readers to click for more information.
Embedded links will not only increase traffic back to your site, but will also provide you with click tracking data throughout your email to see what your audience is interacting with the most.
Emails without attachments are also easier to access since downloading is not required. It sounds silly, but subscribers are usually on the go and this saves them a step. Convenience is key!
To recap:
- Attachments could cause deliverability issues.
- Email links encourage users to visit your website, which will increase traffic.
- You can track clicks throughout your email to see what your audience is interacting with most.
- Messages without attachments are easier for your recipients to access. Your message is just a click away instead of taking additional steps to download.
- Are there times when attachments are needed? Of course. That's why we support them. Just remember to think twice before you send any attachments to make sure it's the right message for your audience!
If you need help with anything, like installing click tracking, please Contact Support.
Jack the Jangolope
Department of Awesome

About Jack
Jack the Jangolope is our JangoMail mascot. Each week, look for Jack's emails for marketing advice, trends, and quick tips on how to grow your email marketing plan to the fullest! Hop into email marketing each week with Jack's helpful tips!
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