I want you to plan ahead this year and really focus on going the extra mile to scare… I mean, connect with your customers using JangoMail.
Here’s how you can plan ahead:
Think creatively: Like each year, you are going to have a ton of holiday competition. Make sure you stand out from all the other businesses. Brainstorm unique promotions and offer something different to your customers. Broadcast your message through your email.
Get organized: Determine key sale days and note the important ones like Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and Free Shipping Day. Set deadlines for yourself and create a calendar with send dates. Schedule your campaigns in advance. You can always pause your campaign and update before your final send in JangoMail.
Don’t go overboard: We know that you want to get the word out, but do not over mail. We don’t want your readers to get irritated and unsubscribe. Refer back to your schedule and stay on track. Remember, timing is everything. Monitor your campaigns through the JangoMail Report Dashboard, and keep an eye on the unsubscribed and bounced addresses. We suggest running a Delivery Health Check on any email address in question.
Don’t be a Scrooge: The sooner you embrace the holidays, the better. Be festive, and have a positive attitude. Show your holiday spirit by hosting an event or even by decorating your store (if you have one). Send holiday invitations, announcements, and greeting cards using your email.
To recap: Many businesses miss the opportunity to connect with their subscribers during the holidays using email. Plan ahead.
Next week, we are going to cover my Holiday Email Guide, where I’ll review the top marketing trends to try with your email.
Happy Halloween!
Jack the Jangolope
Department of Awesome

About Jack
Jack the Jangolope is our JangoMail mascot. Each week, look for Jack's emails for marketing advice, trends, and quick tips on how to grow your email marketing plan to the fullest! Hop into email marketing each week with Jack's helpful tips!
We want to hear from you. Remember, at JangoMail it's your email, your way. Have a topic you would like Jack to cover? Email us at marketing@jangomemail.com with the subject line: On Track With Jack. Follow Jack on Facebook