Working hard or hardly working? Today and every day, we are working hard to bring you the best support ever! Our customers are treated like VIPs because, let’s face it, YOU are very important to us!
This week, I have three small pointers from our support team:
1. Don't panic. If you forget your password and are locked out of your account, wait 10 minutes and try again. For security purposes we lock all accounts for at least 10 minutes. IP addresses are also locked. If you have multiple accounts and get locked out of one, you’ll have to wait the 10 minutes before attempting to login under any of them. Remember, your safety and security are top priorities to us.
2. Double check: Double check your campaign settings after you copy a message -especially if you are copying a previous campaign that had a suppression list. Suppression lists are great because you can exclude a group of subscribers from receiving a message. However, if you are copying campaigns, you may not realize that those suppression lists carry over along with the other settings.
When we get a call about this, let’s say a customer is wondering why only 20 subscribers out of 1,000 received their email, we have them check their filter settings first. This typically does the trick, and it doesn’t hurt to double check before you send a campaign. To look for any suppression lists go to the Filtering tab and check/uncheck the box under ‘Select lists’.
3. The doctor is in. You can troubleshoot specific email addresses with our Delivery Health Check tool which is found under the Management Reports & Tools section of our Reports page. This comes in handy if someone subscribes or even if their email is full.
Enter in the email to diagnose any issues. You can check if the address is correctly formed, if it appears on your unsubscribe and bounce list, and you can view the 20 most recent campaigns that were sent to it. It will also indicate the reason why they did not receive the email. Remember, when someone unsubscribes, they unsubscribe across your entire account, not just in one message but all of your messages.
Don’t be a stranger! We are here 24/7 to help you. Call us at 855-709-4099, or submit a ticket at jangomail.com/support.
Until we meet...well, email again!
Jack the Jangolope
Department of Awesome

About Jack
Jack the Jangolope is our JangoMail mascot. Each week, look for Jack's emails for marketing advice, trends, and quick tips on how to grow your email marketing plan to the fullest! Hop into email marketing each week with Jack's helpful tips!
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