Today is New Year's Eve, which means 2013 is almost over. I have a confession, I tend to get a little emotional as I sit back and reflect on the year, but nothing that a little bubbly won't cure.
early days at JangoMail, when we were just starting out. Since then, we have grown into a leading email marketing system with over 200,000 users around the world.
In the past year, JangoMail has significantly expanded. We have a lot to celebrate as we look back at our many accomplishments. Here are a few 2013 highlights, we've…
- Tripled our staff to take on the expansion
- Opened our office headquarters and Call Center in Dayton, Ohio
- Launched our new Smart Templates
- Added security with our new Backup Data Center
- Partnered with Gene Marks
- Started On Track With Jack, our new educational series, with yours truly
- Received a 5 Star Rating Awarded on ResellerRatings
JangoMail is getting better every day, and 2014 will be no different. Our team is not only bright, but driven to provide you with the best quality email marketing service out there.
Here's what we have in the works for this year, we're…
- Upgrading to TinyMCE4 and making a "Super Editor" that encompasses all features of our current editors (TinyMCE and EditLive)
- Installing new social share buttons for Pinterest, Linkedin, Instagram and Google+
- Creating a signup widget for WordPress
- Expanding our reach to local businesses in Dayton
- Exhibiting and attending trade shows and conferences across the country to reach current and prospective customers
...and much, much more! Don't see what you need? Just ask. We're always open to new ways to stay on top.
To recap: Take time and reflect on your year, from a business standpoint, and plan ahead for 2014. Identify what email campaigns worked and what didn't. Incorporate your successes into your new marketing plan for the year.
I want to wish you all a very happy New Year, one that is full of email marketing success. Thank you for your business in 2013.
Jack the Jangolope
Department of Awesome

About Jack
Jack the Jangolope is our JangoMail mascot. Each week, look for Jack's emails for marketing advice, trends, and quick tips on how to grow your email marketing plan to the fullest! Hop into email marketing each week with Jack's helpful tips!
We want to hear from you. Remember, at JangoMail it's your email, your way. Have a topic you would like Jack to cover? Email us at with the subject line: On Track With Jack. Follow Jack on Facebook