Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Location metrics have been relocated within Reporting

To improve consistency and avoid confusion in an email campaign's Reporting metrics, Geotracking Location data has been moved to display along with the Raw Data of a Campaign's Details reports. This data had previously been located along the different ways to group data (by Domain, by Sender, by Email Client, etc.), though it did not group by location.

Now, you will find the location data in the raw data report itself.

The additional columns showing Geotracking's Country Code, Region, City, Zip Code, ISP, Domain Name, Latitude, and Longitude are on the right.

More Resources

For more information on this feature set, visit our previous blog posts:

You can also read earlier blog posts about Phase I, Phase II, and Phase III of our Geo Tracking deployment. These previous posts show you how to view raw location data on Opens, Clicks, and Page Views, as well as segment your data by distance from a particular zip code.