Wednesday, May 17, 2006

New Feature: Additional synchronization options for web databases

The second phase of our new "Behavioral Targeting" feature has been completed. Those customers that use JangoMail to pull data in real-time from their web site's databases can now have JangoMail write data back to their databases based on recipient's behaviors.

The following actions can be synchronized with a web database:

1. Unsubscribes
2. Bounces
3. Change of e-mail address requests
4. E-mail opens
5. E-mail clicks
6. Forward to friend requests
7. Web site activity

Each action can be associated with a custom SQL query which will be executed against the web database when the action occurs. By taking advantage of these synchronization options, you can send targeted mass e-mail campaigns to your e-mail database based on a recipient’s past behavior. For example, you can send to just those recipients that opened a particular e-mail campaign or clicked a particular link in a particular campaign.

To learn more about JangoMail's ability to communicate with a web database, see the updated tutorial.