Saturday, June 30, 2007

New Feature: Tracking when a Group Member was last modified

Tonight we have added a new feature that saves the date/time a Group Member was last modified. A Group Member's record can be modified in one of three ways:

  1. You, the account administrator, edits the Group Member within the JangoMail interface.
  2. The Group Member modified his own profile via the Group Member self-modification form that you can link to from within your e-mail campaigns.
  3. Via the API
When you display the Group Member's information, the "Last Modified" timestamp will show. Additionally, if you export Group data, a new column of data, "LastModified", will appear in the exported CSV file.

Lastly, all API methods that retrieve Group member data will also pull the "LastModified" timestamp. These methods include:

  • Groups_GetMember_ByAddress_DataSet
    Retrieves a Group member by the member's e-mail address. Returns a .NET DataSet.
  • Groups_GetMember_ByAddress_XML
    Retrieves a Group member by the member's e-mail address. Returns an XML document.
  • Groups_GetMember_ByID_DataSet
    Retrieves a Group member by the member's numeric ID. Returns a .NET DataSet.
  • Groups_GetMember_ByID_XML
    Retrieves a Group member by the member's numeric ID. Returns an XML document.
  • Groups_GetMembers_DataSet
    Retrieves members of a group Returns a .NET DataSet.
  • Groups_GetMembers_String
    Retrieves members of a group Returns a string
  • Groups_GetMembers_XML
    Retrieves members of a group Returns a string