Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Having Fun & Getting Funds With Filters

This week, a case study in the spirit of the holiday weekend ...

Joe's Outdoor Store is a strong, local retailer in Nashua, New Hampshire. They've been around for almost 5 years and have a solid following of outdoor enthusiasts, weekend warriors and even tourists who happen upon their prime spot off the main interstate.

But, business can always be better!

So, last week Joe's Outdoor Store sent out a major email marketing campaign to announce a Memorial Day Sale. Not just any sale, but one of the biggest sales of the year for Joe's. The thing is, not everyone was invited. To kick off the summer camping season, they sent out a special sales announcement for sleeping bags. Not just any sleeping bags. These are high-performance models designed to withstand high altitudes and adjust interior temperatures based upon exterior conditions. Yeah, they're pretty serious. And only serious campers would really be interested - and willing to entertain the big price tag.

Joe's Outdoor Store took their business' master email list off JangoMail and suppressed the email addresses of anyone who didn't opt into their list as a "Serious Camper" (their words from their group list compiled from the customized email signup form they created). Then, they blasted the beautiful thing. Joe's JangoMail reports said the email campaign was fairly successful in terms of opens and clicks. Now, they just have to wait for the weekend to see the foot traffic it generated. Well done, Joe.

But, other not quite-so-serious folks like to camp in the summertime, too. And Joe's does have other varieties of sleeping bags and camping gear they may want to hear about. Extra foot traffic is always a good thing, so they decide to send another email campaign to attract those potential customers.

Hmm... so what's the easiest way to use the email Joe's already created for "Serious Campers", make a few tweaks, and then blast it to the remaining, general audience? With JangoMail, it's simple. In fact, we already answered this dilemna in the lengthy speech above.

All Joe's Outdoor Store needs to do is load the "Serious Campers" email and make edits for their "General Campers or General Audience". Replace pictures, make the content less exclusive and more along the lines of "if you've never camped, try it with our sale gear". Then, it's time to create their specific email list using our Filter features. They simply need to click and suppress the addresses of all recipients who received the first campaign. It's that easy!

Now, let's broaden this case study a bit. Imagine how easy it is to send customized email messages for unique customer or client groups, while letting other groups receive information that only interests them. The long and short of it is that your customers will be happier knowing that YOU know what THEY want, and your messaging won't take the short road to the spam folder.

If you have any questions about Filters, List Suppression or any other JangoMail feature, hit us up. We'd love to hear from you! Until then, have a terrific Memorial Day weekend, everyone.