Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Feature: Geo Tracking Phase II (segment by location data)

In addition to being able to see geo tracking location data for Opens, Clicks, and Web Page Conversions on your email marketing campaigns, you can now segment your data by location or by a distance from a particular location.

Let's say I want to know who opened my email campaign within 100 miles of downtown Chicago (zip code 60610). I simply enter the data in the distance box and filter my data down:

Instead of filtering by distance, I can also choose a specific location by which to segment by using the Location dropdown menus:

Here is the sample filtered report for all Opens within 100 miles of zip code 60610. Note that actual email addresses have been blurred:

What's next?

Our final phase III rollout of Geo Tracking will include a spectacular visual overlay on Google Maps showing you graphically where Opens, Clicks, and Web Page Views/Conversions came from. Additionally, you'll be able to export any segemented data into a new JangoMail Group with a single click. This will make sending followup email campaigns to geo targetted segments a snap!