Monday, January 21, 2008

New Bounce Methods for API/Web Service

We have deployed the following "version 2" of our Bounce retrieval methods. The "version 2" methods are identical to the older methods, but these new methods return two additional columns: the SMTP Diagnostic Code and the Definitive columns.


Gets the list of all e-mail addresses that have bounced at least once since the specified date. Includes SMTP Diagnostic Code and Definitive columns. Returns a string.

Gets the list of e-mail addresses that have bounced X times since specified date, where X is a configurable parameter in your account. Includes SMTP Diagnostic Code and Definitive columns. Returns a string.


Gets the list of e-mail addresses that have bounced at least X times in total, and at least once since specified date. X is a configurable parameter in your account. Includes SMTP Diagnostic Code and Definitive columns. Returns a string.


Retrieves list of bounced addresses for a particular mass e-mail campaign. Includes SMTP Diagnostic Code and Definitive columns. Returns a .NET DataSet.

Retrieves list of bounced addresses for a particular mass e-mail campaign. Includes SMTP Diagnostic Code and Definitive columns. Returns a string.


Retrieves list of bounced addresses for a particular mass e-mail campaign. Includes SMTP Diagnostic Code and Definitive columns. Returns an XML document.