Jangolopes - Are you ready for some football?
As you prepare for the big game this weekend, make sure you have your recurring messages set up so you can enjoy yourself.
Set up and Edit Recurring Messages
Let me back up first…If you don't know about this feature, make sure you check it out! Recurring emails are email messages that are automatically sent based on user defined settings.
You can schedule recurring messages to automate any emails you routinely send your subscribers. This is perfect for any welcome, thank you, billing, appointment, service, and any other notification emails.
With JangoMail, it's easy to set up recurring messages and now you can easily edit them after they are scheduled, just in case you need to make any updates.
Here's how you can get started:
Note: Double check that "Get Fresh Data" is selected on the schedule tab. This allows the system to automatically send to new subscribers each time a recurring message is sent.
2. Navigate to the Settings tab and click on Recurring Messages under Sending and Receiving.
3. Enter in your preferences to Add a Schedule and press SAVE.
To Edit a Recurring Message:
1. Locate the message you wish to change and click the pencil icon to edit.
a. You can adjust your schedule here if needed.
2. To edit the email content click the pencil icon next to Message to recur.
3. The editor will open in a new window.
4. Make your changes and Save.

To Recap: Take time to set up your recurring messages! Now you can easily edit any messages after they are scheduled.
Enjoy the game, and, as always, if you don't see what you need just ask! After all, it's your email, your way!
Jack the Jangolope
Department of Awesome

About Jack
Jack the Jangolope is our JangoMail mascot. Each week, look for Jack's emails for marketing advice, trends, and quick tips on how to grow your email marketing plan to the fullest! Hop into email marketing each week with Jack's helpful tips!
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